
下面记录的类为用户提供了一种方法, 可以在Django中使用底层数据库提供的函数作为注解, 聚合和过滤等操作. 函数也是 表达式, 所以它们可以和其他表达式一起组合使用, 比如 聚合函数.


class Author(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    age = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True, blank=True)
    alias = models.CharField(max_length=50, null=True, blank=True)
    goes_by = models.CharField(max_length=50, null=True, blank=True)

不建议 CharField 设置 null=True, 因为这导致该字段有两种”空值”, 但下面的 Coalesce 示例需要这个设置.


class Cast(expression, output_field)
New in Django 1.10:

强制将 expression 返回类型转换为 output_field.


>>> from django.db.models import FloatField
>>> from django.db.models.functions import Cast
>>> Value.objects.create(integer=4)
>>> value = Value.objects.annotate(as_float=Cast('integer', FloatField())).get()
>>> print(value.as_float)


class Coalesce(*expressions, **extra)

接收一个至少包含两个字段名或表达式的列表, 返回第一个非null值(注意空字符串不会被认为null值). 所有参数必须是相似类型, 混合文本和数字类型会导致数据库错误.


>>> # Get a screen name from least to most public
>>> from django.db.models import Sum, Value as V
>>> from django.db.models.functions import Coalesce
>>> Author.objects.create(name='Margaret Smith', goes_by='Maggie')
>>> author = Author.objects.annotate(
...    screen_name=Coalesce('alias', 'goes_by', 'name')).get()
>>> print(author.screen_name)

>>> # Prevent an aggregate Sum() from returning None
>>> aggregated = Author.objects.aggregate(
...    combined_age=Coalesce(Sum('age'), V(0)),
...    combined_age_default=Sum('age'))
>>> print(aggregated['combined_age'])
>>> print(aggregated['combined_age_default'])


在MySQL中传递给 Coalesce 的Python值可能会被转换为错误的类型, 除非显示地转换为正确的数据库类型:

>>> from django.db.models import DateTimeField
>>> from django.db.models.functions import Cast, Coalesce
>>> from django.utils import timezone
>>> now = timezone.now()
>>> Coalesce('updated', Cast(now, DateTimeField()))


class Concat(*expressions, **extra)

接收一个至少包含两个文本字段或者表达式的列表, 返回连接后的文本. 每个参数必须是文本或字符类型. 如果要连接 TextField()CharField(), 那么必须将 output_field 设置为 TextField(). 连接 Value 时也需要做同样设置.

该函数绝不会返回null. 如果返回null会导致表达式变成null, Django会把参数中null的部分转换为空字符串.


>>> # Get the display name as "name (goes_by)"
>>> from django.db.models import CharField, Value as V
>>> from django.db.models.functions import Concat
>>> Author.objects.create(name='Margaret Smith', goes_by='Maggie')
>>> author = Author.objects.annotate(
...    screen_name=Concat('name', V(' ('), 'goes_by', V(')'),
...    output_field=CharField())).get()
>>> print(author.screen_name)
Margaret Smith (Maggie)


class Greatest(*expressions, **extra)
New in Django 1.9:

接收一个至少包含两个字段或表达式的列表, 返回最大值. 每个参数必须是相似类型, 例如混合文本和数字导致数据库错误.


class Blog(models.Model):
    body = models.TextField()
    modified = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)

class Comment(models.Model):
    body = models.TextField()
    modified = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
    blog = models.ForeignKey(Blog, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

>>> from django.db.models.functions import Greatest
>>> blog = Blog.objects.create(body='Greatest is the best.')
>>> comment = Comment.objects.create(body='No, Least is better.', blog=blog)
>>> comments = Comment.objects.annotate(last_updated=Greatest('modified', 'blog__modified'))
>>> annotated_comment = comments.get()

annotated_comment.last_updated 会返回最近的 blog.modifiedcomment.modified.


当有一个或多个表达式为null时, Greatest 在不同数据库间行为有区别:

  • PostgreSQL: Greatest 会返回最大的非null值, 如果所有表达式都为 null 则返回 null.
  • SQLite, Oracle, and MySQL: 如果存在为 null 的表达式, Greatest 则会返回 null.

如果你想用一个合理的值作为返回值, 可以使用 Coalesce 来模仿PostgreSQL的行为.


class Least(*expressions, **extra)
New in Django 1.9:

接收一个至少包含两个字段或表达式的列表, 返回最小值. 每个参数必须是相似类型, 例如混合文本和数字导致数据库错误.


当有一个或多个表达式为null时, Least 在不同数据库间行为有区别:

  • PostgreSQL: Least 会返回最大的非null值, 如果所有表达式都为 null 则返回 null.
  • SQLite, Oracle, and MySQL: 如果存在为 null 的表达式, Greatest 则会返回 null.

如果你想用一个合理的值作为返回值, 可以使用 Coalesce 来模仿PostgreSQL的行为.


class Length(expression, **extra)

接收一个文本字段或表达式, 返回其包含的字符数. 如果表达式为null则返回null.


>>> # Get the length of the name and goes_by fields
>>> from django.db.models.functions import Length
>>> Author.objects.create(name='Margaret Smith')
>>> author = Author.objects.annotate(
...    name_length=Length('name'),
...    goes_by_length=Length('goes_by')).get()
>>> print(author.name_length, author.goes_by_length)
(14, None)

也可以将其注册为转换. 例如:

>>> from django.db.models import CharField
>>> from django.db.models.functions import Length
>>> CharField.register_lookup(Length, 'length')
>>> # Get authors whose name is longer than 7 characters
>>> authors = Author.objects.filter(name__length__gt=7)
Changed in Django 1.9:



class Lower(expression, **extra)

接收一个文本字段或表达式, 返回其小写形式.

它也可以像 Length 那样注册为转换.


>>> from django.db.models.functions import Lower
>>> Author.objects.create(name='Margaret Smith')
>>> author = Author.objects.annotate(name_lower=Lower('name')).get()
>>> print(author.name_lower)
margaret smith
Changed in Django 1.9:



class Now
New in Django 1.9:

返回执行查询时数据库服务器的当前日期和时间, 通常使用SQL CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.


>>> from django.db.models.functions import Now
>>> Article.objects.filter(published__lte=Now())
<QuerySet [<Article: How to Django>]>

PostgreSQL considerations

在PostgreSQL中, SQL CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 返回的是当前事务的开始时间. 因此为了跨数据库的兼容性, Now() 使用 STATEMENT_TIMESTAMP 作为代替. 如果需要事务时间戳, 可以使用 django.contrib.postgres.functions.TransactionNow.


class Substr(expression, pos, length=None, **extra)

返回字段或表达式 pos 位置处开始长度为 length 的子串. 位置下标从1开始, 因此改参数必须大于0. 如果 lengthNone, 那么会返回剩余的所有字符串.


>>> # Set the alias to the first 5 characters of the name as lowercase
>>> from django.db.models.functions import Substr, Lower
>>> Author.objects.create(name='Margaret Smith')
>>> Author.objects.update(alias=Lower(Substr('name', 1, 5)))
>>> print(Author.objects.get(name='Margaret Smith').alias)


class Upper(expression, **extra)

接收一个文本字段或表达式, 返回其大写形式.

它也可以像 Length 那样注册为转换.


>>> from django.db.models.functions import Upper
>>> Author.objects.create(name='Margaret Smith')
>>> author = Author.objects.annotate(name_upper=Upper('name')).get()
>>> print(author.name_upper)
Changed in Django 1.9:



New in Django 1.10:


class Experiment(models.Model):
    start_datetime = models.DateTimeField()
    start_date = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True)
    end_datetime = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
    end_date = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True)


class Extract(expression, lookup_name=None, tzinfo=None, **extra)


接收一个 DateFieldDateTimeFieldexpressionlookup_name 参数, 返回 IntegerField 类型的日期的 lookup_name 部分的值. Django使用数据库的extract函数, 所以可以使用所有数据库支持的 lookup_name. 可以传递 pytz 模块提供的 tzinfo 子类来指定时区.

对于datetime 2015-06-15 23:30:01.000321+00:00, 内置的 lookup_name 会返回:

  • “year”: 2015
  • “month”: 6
  • “day”: 15
  • “week_day”: 2
  • “hour”: 23
  • “minute”: 30
  • “second”: 1

如果在Django中使用了不同时区, 例如 Australia/Melbourne, 那么会在提取前将datetime转换为当前时区. 上述示例日期中墨尔本的时区偏移为+10:00. 使用此时区时, 返回的值将与上述相同除了:

  • “day”: 16
  • “week_day”: 3
  • “hour”: 9


lookup_type week_day 的计算与大多数数据库和Python标准函数不一样. 该函数的返回中. 星期日为 1, 星期一为 2, 星期六为 7.


>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> dt = datetime(2015, 6, 15)
>>> (dt.isoweekday() % 7) + 1

上面每个 lookup_name 都具有相应的 Extract 子类, 通常可以使用这个子类来代替原本冗长的用法, 例如. 使用 ExtractYear(...) 代替 Extract(..., lookup_name='year').


>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from django.db.models.functions import Extract
>>> start = datetime(2015, 6, 15)
>>> end = datetime(2015, 7, 2)
>>> Experiment.objects.create(
...    start_datetime=start, start_date=start.date(),
...    end_datetime=end, end_date=end.date())
>>> # Add the experiment start year as a field in the QuerySet.
>>> experiment = Experiment.objects.annotate(
...    start_year=Extract('start_datetime', 'year')).get()
>>> experiment.start_year
>>> # How many experiments completed in the same year in which they started?
>>> Experiment.objects.filter(
...    start_datetime__year=Extract('end_datetime', 'year')).count()

DateField 提取

class ExtractYear(expression, tzinfo=None, **extra)
lookup_name = 'year'
class ExtractMonth(expression, tzinfo=None, **extra)
lookup_name = 'month'
class ExtractDay(expression, tzinfo=None, **extra)
lookup_name = 'day'
class ExtractWeekDay(expression, tzinfo=None, **extra)
lookup_name = 'week_day'

这些逻辑等价于 Extract('date_field', lookup_name). 每个类也是在 DateFieldDateTimeField 上注册为 __(lookup_name)Transform, 例如 __year.

由于 DateField 没有time部分, 因此只有处理date部分的 Extract 子类才能在 DateField 上使用:

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from django.utils import timezone
>>> from django.db.models.functions import (
...    ExtractYear, ExtractMonth, ExtractDay, ExtractWeekDay
... )
>>> start_2015 = datetime(2015, 6, 15, 23, 30, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
>>> end_2015 = datetime(2015, 6, 16, 13, 11, 27, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
>>> Experiment.objects.create(
...    start_datetime=start_2015, start_date=start_2015.date(),
...    end_datetime=end_2015, end_date=end_2015.date())
>>> Experiment.objects.annotate(
...     year=ExtractYear('start_date'),
...     month=ExtractMonth('start_date'),
...     day=ExtractDay('start_date'),
...     weekday=ExtractWeekDay('start_date'),
... ).values('year', 'month', 'day', 'weekday').get(
...     end_date__year=ExtractYear('start_date'),
... )
{'year': 2015, 'month': 6, 'day': 15, 'weekday': 2}

DateTimeField 提取

除了以下内容外, 上面所有的 DateField extracts也可以应用于 DateTimeField.

class ExtractHour(expression, tzinfo=None, **extra)
lookup_name = 'hour'
class ExtractMinute(expression, tzinfo=None, **extra)
lookup_name = 'minute'
class ExtractSecond(expression, tzinfo=None, **extra)
lookup_name = 'second'

这些逻辑等价于 Extract('datetime_field', lookup_name). 每个类也是在 DateTimeField 上注册为 __(lookup_name)Transform, 例如 __minute.

DateTimeField 例子:

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from django.utils import timezone
>>> from django.db.models.functions import (
...    ExtractYear, ExtractMonth, ExtractDay, ExtractWeekDay,
...    ExtractHour, ExtractMinute, ExtractSecond,
... )
>>> start_2015 = datetime(2015, 6, 15, 23, 30, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
>>> end_2015 = datetime(2015, 6, 16, 13, 11, 27, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
>>> Experiment.objects.create(
...    start_datetime=start_2015, start_date=start_2015.date(),
...    end_datetime=end_2015, end_date=end_2015.date())
>>> Experiment.objects.annotate(
...     year=ExtractYear('start_datetime'),
...     month=ExtractMonth('start_datetime'),
...     day=ExtractDay('start_datetime'),
...     weekday=ExtractWeekDay('start_datetime'),
...     hour=ExtractHour('start_datetime'),
...     minute=ExtractMinute('start_datetime'),
...     second=ExtractSecond('start_datetime'),
... ).values(
...     'year', 'month', 'day', 'weekday', 'hour', 'minute', 'second',
... ).get(end_datetime__year=ExtractYear('start_datetime'))
{'year': 2015, 'month': 6, 'day': 15, 'weekday': 2, 'hour': 23, 'minute': 30, 'second': 1}

USE_TZ 设置为 True 时数据库中的日期时间是以UTC储存. 如果在 Django 中使用了不同的时区, 那么在提取前会先转换为当前时区. 下面的例子将转换为墨尔本时区(UTC +10:00), 返回的日期、星期和小时值会有改变:

>>> import pytz
>>> tzinfo = pytz.timezone('Australia/Melbourne')  # UTC+10:00
>>> with timezone.override(tzinfo):
...    Experiment.objects.annotate(
...        day=ExtractDay('start_datetime'),
...        weekday=ExtractWeekDay('start_datetime'),
...        hour=ExtractHour('start_datetime'),
...    ).values('day', 'weekday', 'hour').get(
...        end_datetime__year=ExtractYear('start_datetime'),
...    )
{'day': 16, 'weekday': 3, 'hour': 9}

显式地传递时区给 Extract, 将优先于当前时区:

>>> import pytz
>>> tzinfo = pytz.timezone('Australia/Melbourne')
>>> Experiment.objects.annotate(
...     day=ExtractDay('start_datetime', tzinfo=melb),
...     weekday=ExtractWeekDay('start_datetime', tzinfo=melb),
...     hour=ExtractHour('start_datetime', tzinfo=melb),
... ).values('day', 'weekday', 'hour').get(
...     end_datetime__year=ExtractYear('start_datetime'),
... )
{'day': 16, 'weekday': 3, 'hour': 9}


class Trunc(expression, kind, output_field=None, tzinfo=None, **extra)


当你只关心年份, 小时或者天数, 不需要确切的秒数, 那么 Trunc (及其子类)可以用于过滤或聚合数据. 例如, 可以使用 Trunc 计算每天的销售额.

Trunc 接收一个 DateFieldDateTimeFieldexpression, kind 表示日期部分, output_field 可以是 DateTimeField()DateField(). 它根据 output_field 返回datetime或date, kind 以下的部分被设置为最小值. 如果 output_field 缺省, 将默认为 expressionoutput_field. 可以传递 pytz 模块提供的 tzinfo 子类来指定时区.

给定datetime 2015-06-15 14:30:50.000321+00:00, 内置的 kind 返回:

  • “year”: 2015-01-01 00:00:00+00:00
  • “month”: 2015-06-01 00:00:00+00:00
  • “day”: 2015-06-15 00:00:00+00:00
  • “hour”: 2015-06-15 14:00:00+00:00
  • “minute”: 2015-06-15 14:30:00+00:00
  • “second”: 2015-06-15 14:30:50+00:00

如果Django中使用了不同的时区如 Australia/Melbourne, 那么会在截取前将datetime转换为当前时区. 上述示例日期中墨尔本的时区偏移为+10:00. 使用此时区时, 返回的值变成:

  • “year”: 2015-01-01 00:00:00+11:00
  • “month”: 2015-06-01 00:00:00+10:00
  • “day”: 2015-06-16 00:00:00+10:00
  • “hour”: 2015-06-16 00:00:00+10:00
  • “minute”: 2015-06-16 00:30:00+10:00
  • “second”: 2015-06-16 00:30:50+10:00

该年度的偏移量为+11:00, 因为结果已转换为夏令时.

以上每个 kind 都有相应的 Trunc 子类, 通常应该使用这个子类来代替上面比较冗长的用法. 例如. 使用 TruncYear(...) 代替 Trunc(..., kind='year').

子类都被定义为变换, 但它们没有注册任何字段, 因为 Extract 子类已经保留了显示的查找名称.


>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from django.db.models import Count, DateTimeField
>>> from django.db.models.functions import Trunc
>>> Experiment.objects.create(start_datetime=datetime(2015, 6, 15, 14, 30, 50, 321))
>>> Experiment.objects.create(start_datetime=datetime(2015, 6, 15, 14, 40, 2, 123))
>>> Experiment.objects.create(start_datetime=datetime(2015, 12, 25, 10, 5, 27, 999))
>>> experiments_per_day = Experiment.objects.annotate(
...    start_day=Trunc('start_datetime', 'day', output_field=DateTimeField())
... ).values('start_day').annotate(experiments=Count('id'))
>>> for exp in experiments_per_day:
...     print(exp['start_day'], exp['experiments'])
2015-06-15 00:00:00 2
2015-12-25 00:00:00 1
>>> experiments = Experiment.objects.annotate(
...    start_day=Trunc('start_datetime', 'day', output_field=DateTimeField())
... ).filter(start_day=datetime(2015, 6, 15))
>>> for exp in experiments:
...     print(exp.start_datetime)
2015-06-15 14:30:50.000321
2015-06-15 14:40:02.000123

DateField 截取

class TruncYear(expression, output_field=None, tzinfo=None, **extra)
kind = 'year'
class TruncMonth(expression, output_field=None, tzinfo=None, **extra)
kind = 'month'

它们逻辑上等价于 Trunc('date_field', kind). 它们截取日期的所有部分直至 kind, 允许以较低的精度对日期进行分组或过滤. expressionoutput_field 可以是 DateFieldDateTimeField.

由于 DateField 没有time部分, 只有处理date部分的 Trunc 子类才能与 DateField 使用:

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from django.db.models import Count
>>> from django.db.models.functions import TruncMonth, TruncYear
>>> from django.utils import timezone
>>> start1 = datetime(2014, 6, 15, 14, 30, 50, 321, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
>>> start2 = datetime(2015, 6, 15, 14, 40, 2, 123, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
>>> start3 = datetime(2015, 12, 31, 17, 5, 27, 999, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
>>> Experiment.objects.create(start_datetime=start1, start_date=start1.date())
>>> Experiment.objects.create(start_datetime=start2, start_date=start2.date())
>>> Experiment.objects.create(start_datetime=start3, start_date=start3.date())
>>> experiments_per_year = Experiment.objects.annotate(
...    year=TruncYear('start_date')).values('year').annotate(
...    experiments=Count('id'))
>>> for exp in experiments_per_year:
...     print(exp['year'], exp['experiments'])
2014-01-01 1
2015-01-01 2

>>> import pytz
>>> melb = pytz.timezone('Australia/Melbourne')
>>> experiments_per_month = Experiment.objects.annotate(
...    month=TruncMonth('start_datetime', tzinfo=melb)).values('month').annotate(
...    experiments=Count('id'))
>>> for exp in experiments_per_month:
...     print(exp['month'], exp['experiments'])
2015-06-01 00:00:00+10:00 1
2016-01-01 00:00:00+11:00 1
2014-06-01 00:00:00+10:00 1

DateTimeField 截取

class TruncDate(expression, **extra)
lookup_name = 'date'
output_field = DateField()

TruncDateexpression 转换成date, 而不是使用内置的SQL truncate函数. 它也在 DateTimeField 上注册为 __date 的转换.

class TruncDay(expression, output_field=None, tzinfo=None, **extra)
kind = 'day'
class TruncHour(expression, output_field=None, tzinfo=None, **extra)
kind = 'hour'
class TruncMinute(expression, output_field=None, tzinfo=None, **extra)
kind = 'minute'
class TruncSecond(expression, output_field=None, tzinfo=None, **extra)
kind = 'second'

它们在逻辑上等价于 Trunc('datetime_field', kind). 它们截取日期的所有部分直至 kind, 允许以较低的精度对日期进行分组或过滤. expressionoutput_field 必须是 DateTimeField.


>>> from datetime import date, datetime
>>> from django.db.models import Count
>>> from django.db.models.functions import (
...     TruncDate, TruncDay, TruncHour, TruncMinute, TruncSecond,
... )
>>> from django.utils import timezone
>>> import pytz
>>> start1 = datetime(2014, 6, 15, 14, 30, 50, 321, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
>>> Experiment.objects.create(start_datetime=start1, start_date=start1.date())
>>> melb = pytz.timezone('Australia/Melbourne')
>>> Experiment.objects.annotate(
...     date=TruncDate('start_datetime'),
...     day=TruncDay('start_datetime', tzinfo=melb),
...     hour=TruncHour('start_datetime', tzinfo=melb),
...     minute=TruncMinute('start_datetime'),
...     second=TruncSecond('start_datetime'),
... ).values('date', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second').get()
{'date': datetime.date(2014, 6, 15),
 'day': datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 16, 0, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Australia/Melbourne' AEST+10:00:00 STD>),
 'hour': datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 16, 0, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Australia/Melbourne' AEST+10:00:00 STD>),
 'minute': 'minute': datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 15, 14, 30, tzinfo=<UTC>),
 'second': datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 15, 14, 30, 50, tzinfo=<UTC>)